the Jewish communal house CONTENT Title Page Židovský obecní dům Expozice židovských čtvrtí Židovský obecní dům_byt rabína Museum of the Boskovice Region Count's residence in Boskovice Fairy tales and legends Nature of the Boskovice region Exposition of archaeology Detector prospecting Detector prospecting 2 Detector prospecting 3 Celtic oppidum Staré Hradisko Families in the Boskovice region Morkovsky Battalion from Zástřizl Minerva Boskovice The building was built according to the plans of the master builder Mathias Floch in 1826 in the Empire style. It is a large two-storey building with a gabled roof, a segmented façade and vaults on the ground floor, which used to house the office of the Jewish community, a school classroom, a study room, the apartments of the rabbi and the administrator of the hospital and a matzo bakery with a warehouse. Nowadays, the exhibition of the Jewish quarters of Bohemia and Moravia offers a glimpse of the rabbi's apartment. The older community house - an integral part of the valuable Jewish Quarter complex - burned down in the disastrous ghetto fire of 1823. Jewish families in Boskovice Jewish town in Boskovice Synagogue maior Painting of the synagogue maior Interior of the synagogue maior Mikve Jewish communal house Exposition of historical agricultural machines Steam plough - locomobila