Ústecký kraj Most A Gothic church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary built in 1515 after a fi re spread through town and burned down the original Early Gothic church. It became famous in second half of 20th century when the whole town of Most was destroyed to make way for a coal mining operation and it was decided to actually transfer the church to a new location. In 1975 it was set into new foundations in the suburbs of the original town close to a Baroque era infi rmary. You can admire unique Renaissance polychrome relief scenes from the Bible, masterful decorative as well as functional stone ribbing of the vaults, a Gothic pulpit with decorative paintings dating to the early stages in the church’s history, a baptismal font and a pastoforium – a Gothic case for storing the Eucharist. The newly built church tower serves as an observation tower and an exhibition space. +420 724 663 546 most@npu.cz www.kostel-most.cz