Erzgebirge Mining Region This region was famous from the Middle Ages for the mining of ores, especially silver, tin and later uranium ores. Over 800 years this cultural landscape has been shaped by mining. This is documented by many mines, water management systems, sites of innovative ore processing and smelting, and historic mining towns. Erzgebirge / Krušnohoří
u 2019 Hornický region
Mining Region
Region proslul již od středověku těžbou rud, zvláště rud stříbra, cínu a později uranu. Kulturní krajina byla pro dobu 800 let formována soustavnou těžbou surovin. Dokládají to četné doly, vodohospodářské systémy, místa inovativní úpravy a hutního zpracování rud a historická horní města.
This region was famous from the Middle Ages for the mining of ores, especially silver, tin and later uranium ores. Over 800 years this cultural landscape has been shaped by mining. This is documented by many mines, water management systems, sites of innovative ore processing and smelting, and historic mining towns.