Historic Village Holašovice is an exceptionally well preserved example of a traditional Central European village. Numerous highquality village buildings from the 18th and 19th centuries in a style known as “South Bohemian Peasant Baroque” have been preserved on a medieval layout. Holašovice
u 1998 Historická ves
Historic Village
Holašovice jsou výjimečně dobře zachovaným příkladem tradiční středoevropské vesnice. Na středověkém půdorysu se tu dochovalo množství kvalitních venkovských staveb z 18. a 19. století ve stylu známém jako „jihočeské selské baroko“.
Holašovice is an exceptionally well preserved example of a traditional Central European village. Numerous highquality village buildings from the 18th and 19th centuries in a style known as “South Bohemian Peasant Baroque” have been preserved on a medieval layout.