Jizera Mountain Beech Forest Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe The Jizera Mountain Beechwoods are the first Czech natural sight to be inscribed on the UNESCO List. They are part of an extensive serial property covering 94 localities in 18 European countries where original intact beech forests have been preserved. The Czech Republic has two inscriptions: Poledník and Štolpichy, the two core areas of the Jizera Mountains Beechwoods National Nature Reserve. Jizerskohorské bučiny Jizera Mountain Beech Forest
u 2021 Dlouhověké bukové lesy a pralesy Karpat a dalších oblastí Evropy
Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe
Jde o první českou přírodní památku zapsanou na Seznamu UNESCO. Rozsáhlý sériový statek zahrnuje 94 lokalit v 18 zemích Evropy, ve kterých se zachovaly původní neporušené bukové lesy. Z ČR byly zapsány dvě jádrové oblasti národní přírodní rezervace Jizerskohorské bučiny – Poledník a Štolpichy.
The Jizera Mountain Beechwoods are the first Czech natural sight to be inscribed on the UNESCO List. They are part of an extensive serial property covering 94 localities in 18 European countries where original intact beech forests have been preserved. The Czech Republic has two inscriptions: Poledník and Štolpichy, the two core areas of the Jizera Mountains Beechwoods National Nature Reserve.