RESUMÉ 1/2019
Gardeners in the Lednice-Valtice complex and their
of garden art, and therefore one must not neglect
(JindfiichÛv Hradec District), castle gardening; Fig. 5. Lednice
influence on the appearance of garden arrangements
the personalities of the castle gardeners
(Bfieclav District), castle gardening; Fig. 6. Planting plan and
at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries
list of tulips in the Lednice park, flower bed on parterre; Fig. 7.
Illustrations: Fig. 1. Valtice, modification in front of
Libochovice (Litomûfiice District), view of part of the chateau
Keywords: Lednice-Valtice complex, LVA, gardeners,
the castle façade; Fig. 2. Lednice, view from the Minaret to
park, designed in 1912 by Josef Rubliã and realized by the chief
Ignaz Holle, Ignaz Liefka, Franz Nechansky, Philipp
the castle through the central pond with islands; Fig. 3. Lednice,
gardener Martin Hrbek (1846–1917).
view from the castle to the Minaret; Fig. 4. Valtice, depiction of part of the formal garden from 1793; Fig. 5. Drawing of
Descriptions of historical gardens and parks mostly
the Valtice Garden from the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries,
focus on the great names of the architects and
author unknown; Fig. 6. Plan for new modifications of
Dynamic water elements in the composition
builders. Often, research and publications neglect
the Valtice Garden by B. Petri from 1805; Fig. 7. Plan (map)
of the Chateau Garden in KromûfiíÏ and their
the gardeners whose day-to-day work was essential
of the Lednice Castle Garden by K. Rudzinsky from 1789;
archaeological research
to the existence of this living work of art. The most
Fig. 8. Plan (map) of the Lednice Castle Garden by I. Holle
talented of them may become “artistic gardeners”
from 1799; Fig. 9. Plan for new modifications to the Lednice
Keywords: garden art heritage, Chateau Garden in
and design new garden compositions themselves,
Garden by B. Petri, probably from 1805; Fig. 10. Plan for new
KromûfiíÏ, water cascade, rapids
thus significantly influencing the appearance of
modifications to the Lednice Garden by I. Liefka from 1808;
the garden entrusted to them. The period in focus,
Fig. 11. Plan for new modifications to the Belvedere Chateau
namely the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries in
by F. Nechansk˘ from 1805; Fig. 12. Plan for new modifica-
compositional element in garden art heritage sites.
the Lednice-Valtice complex, may be referred to as
tions to the Belvedere Chateau by F. Nechansk˘ from 1805;
Although waterfalls and rapids are mainly bound to
a golden era during which a number of distinct
Fig. 13. Plan for new modifications to the garden at
areas with uneven terrain, they also occurred in flat
personalities met in the service of the Liechtensteins.
the Liechtenstein Palace in Rossau by P. Prohaska,
areas where favorable conditions had to be created.
The period saw a great boom in the artistic and
around 1801.
This fact is documented on the research into two
Water elements are an important aesthetic and
economic aspects of many fields, such as fruit
extinct water elements (Rapids at the Ruins, Cascade
growing, nursery, and forestry, not to mention
at the Pompeii Colonnade) in the KromûfiíÏ Chateau
the exceptional level of architectural work that was
Garden. Archaeological research was aimed at
executed here. Behind each of these components
Gardener Josef Rubliã, an almost unknown
gathering as much information as possible that could
are exceptional people whose knowledge and skills
personality involved in the protection of garden
be used for the planned restoration of the Chateau
contributed to this boom. Archival documents reveal
art heritage; the path from the aristocratic
Gardens water system. The Rapids with the Neptune
the great deal of care devoted to gardening in
to the state garden
statue probably disappeared gradually through
the Lednice-Valtice complex, the daily duties of
Jaromír TLUST¯
sedimentation in the second half of the 19th century.
the castle gardeners, and the complexity of the pro-
Keywords: Josef Rubliã, aristocratic gardens,
Since they have lost their original compositional
cess of creating new works. They show how broad
historical gardens and parks, gardeners, heritage
context since the bridge disappeared, restoring them
the professional scope must have been of the person
in their original form is not foreseen. The mill ditch,
who wanted to hold the position of chief castle gardener, which itself was perceived as very presti-
however, will be supplemented with a stone rise Josef Rubliã (1877–1953) was one of the gardeners
during the restoration, which will allow for the return
gious, particularly in Lednice. Most of the persons
whose professional career began at the time of
of the sound of falling water. The Cascade at
involved in the management of the Lednice Gardens
private aristocratic gardens, before the end of
the Maximillian Colonnade is still depicted on a map
at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries were,
the 19th century. He spent part of his life in
from 1910 and was one of the most important
according to the documents, capable of quality design
the gardens of the noble Herberstein family, and for
compositional elements of the garden as established
and active in influencing the appearance of the garden.
his diligence and knowledge was appointed inspector
by Anton Arch. This is why considerations are
While Ignaz Holle’s maps of the modifications made to
for all the gardens and parks of the Herbestein
underway to restore the water supply to the basin
the Lednice Gardens in 1799 do not reveal his
estates in 1911.
at the colonnade as well as to restore the adjacent
personal handwriting, preserved designs by Philippe
After 1948, in a time of social and political change,
cascade to its full extent.
Prohaska and Ignaz Liefka have some common
he made great efforts to protect as many historical
features. Their projects are distinctive in their very
gardens and parks as possible from devastation and
statue, watercolor, 1800; Fig. 2. Josef Fischer, plan depicting
subtle division of space – a very dense network of
destruction. His appointment as inspector of gardens
the sentimental adaptations of the garden from 1802; Fig. 3.
paths, small groups of trees, a large number of
and parks in listed heritage buildings made this
Josef Fischer, Waterfall at the artificial ruins, watercolor, 1800;
island sections, etc. On the contrary, the designs of
possible. He traveled all over the country, visited
Fig. 4. ·imon TadeበMilián, Rapids in the Chateau Garden,
the economic director Bernhard Petri work with larger
individual gardens and castle parks and gardens,
oil, 1847; Fig. 5. Bernard Lipavsk˘, plan of the Chateau
masses, and even the network of paths is conducted
and made proposals for procedures on how to protect
Garden from 1850; Fig. 6. General view of the functional
rather austerely. The final appearance of any garden
them. He also worked with the public, defending
cascade at the Maximillian Colonnade, 1860s; Fig. 7. A view
was ultimately created through a combination of
the existence of heritage gardens and parks through
of the Cascade at the Maximillian Colonnade without flowing
the “great design” and the everyday smaller inputs
lectures, media contributions, and books,
water, 1860s; Fig. 8. The disappearing cascade at
of the gardening staff. This is how the work gradually
and encouraging the public to protect them.
the Maximillian Colonnade, the end of the 19th century;
evolved and modernized until the next radical change
Illustrations: Fig. 1. Josef Rubliã, 1912, Graz; Fig. 2. Josef
Illustrations: Fig. 1. Josef Fischer, Waterfall with water god
Fig. 9. Students from France during research of the extinct
was decided upon. Such multi-layered stratification
Rubliã, 1943; Fig. 3. Castle Directors of the National Cultural
cascade at the Maximilian Colonnade; Fig. 10. One of
must be taken into account with every work
Commission of Czech Heritage Buildings, 1950; Fig. 4. Daãice
the uncovered levels of the cascade at the Maximilian
Zprávy památkové péãe / roãník 79 / 2019 / ãíslo 1 / RESUMÉ | SUMMARY