Colonnade; Fig. 11. View of the right bank of the mill ditch
landscape formed by formally articulated pastures and meadows
the scope of nomination for the World Heritage List (red line)
after the stone fragments in the trough were cleaned; Fig. 12.
(in the middle), the Mo‰nice landscaped park (in the south)
and the buffer zone for the nominated estate within the scope
Detail of stone fragments on the right bank of the mill ditch;
and a timber forest (in the north). Fig. 4. Plan for water
of the existing Kladruby Polabí heritage zone; Fig. 22. Combi-
Fig. 13. Fragment of a statue on the right bank of the mill
management modifications (network of irrigation and drainage
nation of blue spruce (Picea pungens) and red oak (Quercus
ditch; Fig. 14. Chateau Garden in KromûfiíÏ. 1 – Rapids at
channels on the Kladruby race in the stud farm) by Boleslav
rubra) in the eastern part of the Mo‰nice park with preserved
the Ruins; 2 – Cascade at the Pompeii Colonnade; 3 – Rapids
Trojan from 1876; Fig. 5. Layout of compositional axes of
terrain modeling; Fig. 23. Bright spot in the composition
at the American house; 4 – Waterfall at the Silver Bridge.
the Landscape for breeding and training of ceremonial carriage
of the sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus ‘Leopoldii’) in
horses in Kladruby nad Labem; Fig. 6. The National Stud
Mo‰nice Park. Ephemeric type of composition, appearing only
Farm in Kladruby nad Labem from the west. In the foreground
in a limited phase of the year.
is the Frantiskov courtyard, in the background is the Kladruby A landscape for breeding and training ceremonial
nad Labem courtyard, and the town of Selmice in the foreground;
carriage horses in Kladruby nad Labem –
Fig. 7. Kladruby nad Labem courtyard from the northeast.
compositional analysis
On the left is the imperial castle with the Church of St. Wenceslas
Results of the surveys of certain structures
Roman ZÁMEâNÍK; Zdenûk NOVÁK
and Leopold, on the right are stables and buildings with employee
of the Chateau Garden in KromûfiíÏ
Keywords: Landscape architecture, artistically
flats, and the Selmice tree-lined alley leading to Franti‰kov
Dalibor JANI·; Jan ·TùTINA
formed cultural landscape, landscape composition
courtyard in the background; Fig. 8. View onto the strictly
Keywords: Chateau Garden, KromûfiíÏ, building-
analysis, National Stud Farm in Kladruby nad Labem,
symmetrical main stable building of the Kladruby nad Labem
historical surveys, garden architecture
ornamental farm
courtyard. The main compositional axes of the landscape lead out of the stables. In the background is a herd of stallions, water
The Chateau Garden in KromûfiíÏ, which since 1998
tank on the left. View from the southwest; Fig. 9. Franti‰kov
has been registered on the World Cultural and Natural
in the Pardubice Region, there lies a unique agricultu-
courtyard from the east. In the background are pastures divided
Heritage List together with the Chateau and the Flower
rally utilized landscape, composed as a work of
by paths and streams accompanied by alleys and lines of trees.
Garden, developed from the end of the 17th century
landscape art, and which has been proposed for
The courtyard crosses an endless axis facing west; Fig. 10.
until the early 20th century. The garden was gradually
registration on the World Heritage List. For centuries,
Arrangement of the architecture and vegetation defining
equipped with a wide range of structures whose
the land has been used for breeding and training
the infinite axis of the landscape. A view through the passage
history and construction have been explored in recent
ceremonial carriage horses of the Old Kladruby breed,
of the Franti‰kov courtyard to the Selmice tree-lined alley which
years. The absence of any historical/constructional
and all its structural elements have been preserved to
connects it with the Kladruby nad Labem courtyard.
knowledge of the garden structures was particularly
a high degree of authenticity. This makes it a globally
In the foreground are symmetrically planted oaks (Quercus
noticeable because the development of the garden
unique landscape. Among the analyses necessary to
robur); Fig. 11. Josefov courtyard. Detail of the landscape
itself could be studied in detail through numerous
justify its nomination onto this prestigious list, an
structure. View from the east; Fig. 12. One of the branches
map materials. Research has shown that the key
analysis of the landscape composition is crucial, and
of the irrigation and drainage system of the Kladruby race.
period during which most of the garden structures
is the focus of this article, which addresses the history
Pastures with typical white fences; Fig. 13. The carriage road
were built was the transformation and expansion of
of the origin and development of the National Stud
leading to the Josefov courtyard accompanied by a historic apple
the Chateau Garden during the period of Archbishop
Farm landscape in Kladruby nad Labem. The article
tree alley; Fig. 14. Eight Old Kladruby horses passing through
Antonín Theodor Colloredo-Waldsee (1777–1811).
also focuses on a compositional analysis of the land-
the ¤eãanská alley; Fig. 15. Pastures in the central part
The buildings built around 1800 based on
scape as a whole as well as of the individual elements
of the analyzed landscape, divided by paths and streams and
the designs of an unspecified architect underwent
(structures, water, vegetation) that make it up.
accompanied by alleys and lines of trees, forming a cabinet
a Classicist reconstruction in the second half
The article concludes with a brief justification of
structure resembling the boskets of the French garden. View
of the 1830s based on the designs of Anton Arche;
the unique values of the landscape, for which
from the East; Fig. 16. Landscape south of Kladruby nad
over the following three decades, they obtained
the Czech Republic has nominated it for registration
Labem. The tree-lined alleys and lines of trees on site form
contemporary, historicizing forms.
on the World Heritage List.
a six-spoke star (étoile). In the pastures, clumps of trees grow.
Near the towns of Kladruby nad Labem and Selmice
Illustrations: Fig. 1. Excerpt of a map of the Pardubice estate
The oldest of the researched structures is
View from southeast; Fig. 17. Carriage road lined with an
the small house of the first horticultural assistant
by Georg Matthäus Vischer from 1688, which is the oldest
alley of red oaks (Quercus rubra) leading to the Mo‰nice park.
from the second half of the 17th century. The Baroque
known depiction of the courtyard in Kladruby nad Labem.
In the background, the vegetation accompaniment lining
house underwent a late Baroque reconstruction
The veduta captures an imperial castle with a church
the Kladruby race; Fig. 18. The landscape of the National Stud
perhaps after 1752, when a connecting tract was
surrounded by gardens, a courtyard with stables, residential
Farm in Kladruby nad Labem from the south to the extent
inserted into the interior. Already at the beginning
buildings, and a cultural landscape in the vicinity; Fig. 2.
of the landscape park Mo‰nice (in the foreground), in the middle
of the 18th century, the enclosure wall of the garden
Anonymous: Kladruby nad Labem courtyard after Classicist
is a formal pasture landscape, in the background is the timber
was built; its southeastern section has been
reconstruction and completion. View from the northeast,
forest; Fig. 19. Pasture inside one of the cabinets with
preserved, including the former entrance gate.
in the background are the meanders of the Labe River and
a picturesque clump of trees lying between the Kladruby nad
A dendrochronological analysis indicated the creation
the floodplain forest in the Mo‰nice area before the establishment
Labem and Josefov courtyards. In the background is a white
of the gate in the first or second decades of the 18th
of the landscape park; Fig. 3. Satellite image of the landscape
fence typical for the pastures; Fig. 20. Contrast colored cultivars
century, which corresponds to the plastering design
for breeding and training ceremonial carriage horses in
of trees in the Mo‰nice park correspond to the fin de siècle
of its facade. Probably in the first half of the 18th
Kladruby nad Labem. In the east there is the Kladruby nad
assortment. On the left is a group of red-leaved maple trees
century, the gardener’s house was also built, with an
Labem courtyard with the town of the same name, in the west
(Acer platanoides ‘Schwedleri’), on the right is a sycamore maple
extra story added around 1800 and again in the late
is the Franti‰kov courtyard. Between the courtyards and their
(Acer pseudoplatanus ‘Leopoldii’); Fig. 21. Landscape
1930s. Around 1800 the house, with its facades
surroundings spreads an agricultural and artistically rendered
of the National Stud Farm in Kladruby nad Labem within
featuring illusive brickwork, was surrounded by
Zprávy památkové péãe / roãník 79 / 2019 / ãíslo 1 / RESUMÉ | SUMMARY