a separate Dutch garden. The artificial ruins, built
in ca. 1865, while the rest is younger; Fig. 4. Gate from
information, not yet described in detail, which was
before the end of the 18th century, were built in
Blahoslavova Street. A – A view of the inner face, B – Layout
substantiated by the article’s author mainly based
a remarkable combination of Gothic and antique
showing the Baroque masonry (brown), arrows indicate wooden
on the study of this functional type of greenery from
architecture. Further development, however, was
elements, dendrochronologically dated to 1707–1708;
the dozens of projects by Josef Vanûk. The acquired
aimed at simplifying the original building, which was
Fig. 5. Plan for the rebuilding of the gardener’s house, probably
knowledge is quite unique, because from
eventually transformed into a pheasantry. Also,
around 1790, with inscription “Gartner Qartir”; Fig. 6.
the perspective of the history of garden art, there
the three-winged Peacock Court structure, built in
Gardener’s house, reconstruction of the building as seen from
have been as of yet very few domestic professionals,
the last years of the 18th century, underwent several
the northwest. A – after 1800, B – after 1840, after 1890,
be they archivists, historians, educators, urban
modifications in the 19th century. It was designed by
C – present state; Fig. 7. Development of the artificial ruins in
planners, architects, or garden architects, who have
Anton Arche in the late 1830s, resulting in a sober
three main phases, view from the south; Fig. 8. Ground floor
dealt with this specific topic. If some partial work
Classicist building. Around the year 1865, the illusive
of the Peacock Court with a constructional / historical analysis.
on the subject appeared, then it was mostly merely
half-timbering application of the building gave it
1 – Classicist masonry from the end of the 18th century,
information on individual structures in the regions.
the character of a Swiss farmhouse. The Temple of
2 – adaptations from around 1865, 3 – modern masonry;
The author has focused on the work of Josef Vanûk
Friendship, built on a separate island that emerged
s – ceiling dendrochronologically dated to shortly after 1794,
with regard to the possibilities and availability
from the pond surface around 1800, retained
k – chimney of the black kitchen; Fig. 9. Reconstruction
of archival sources for these garden art structures.
the appearance of an open dome temple, referring
of the Peacock Court in its condition in ca. 1800, view from
There have not been as many conclusive period and
to e.g. similar structures in Ermenonville or Versailles
the southwest; Fig. 10. Temple of Friendship. A – current state,
archival documents preserved from other garden
in France, despite its change of roofing in ca. 1865.
B – ground plan with constructional / historical analysis;
architects of the era, such as Josef Kumpán, Josef
Even the Fisherman’s House, built at the Long Pond
1 – Classicist masonry from the end of the 18th century,
Miniberger, Otokar Fierlinger, ZdeÀka Ko‰áková and
before 1800, underwent a number of changes in
2 – adaptations from around 1865; Fig. 11. Classicist
many others, as there has from Josef Vanûk.
the 19th century, the most important of which was
appearance of the Fisherman’s Pavilion, Anton Arche, 1840s;
Arche’s Classicist reconstruction from 1839.
Fig. 12. Fisherman’s Pavilion. A – current state, view from
of Pardubice; Fig. 2. Period photo of Koãiãí hrádek (Cat Castle)
In the mid-1860s, the pavilion acquired its present-day
the north, B – ground plan of the ground floor with constructional
in the forests near SlatiÀany; Fig. 3. Koãiãí hrádek and its little
arcade style. Perhaps the architecturally highest
/ historical analysis; 1 – Classicist masonry from the end of
conquerors; Fig. 4. Design of a proposal for a children’s
quality building is the Maximillian Colonnade, built in
the 18th century, 2 – adaptations from 1839–1840,
paddling pool in the Jubilee Park in Znojmo from 1929;
1845–1846. The semi-circular airy structure, designed
3 – masonry from the reconstruction around 1865, 4 – modern
Fig. 5. Period photo of a paddling pool in the Jubilee Park
by Anton Arche as an open column gallery, has
masonry from the 20th and early 21st centuries; Fig. 13.
in Znojmo; Fig. 6. Detail of the playground in the proposal
retained its basic concept even after the openings in
Fisherman’s Pavilion. A – an attempt to reconstruct
for the landscaping of the swimming pool in âeské Velenice
the rear wall were bricked up. An interesting technical
the building around 1800, condition of the building after
from 1933; Fig. 7. Proposal for a playground of the National
structure is the single-arch bridge at the “American
the Classicist reconstruction in ca. 1840; Fig. 14. Maximillian
Po‰umavská Unit in Suché Vrbn˘; Fig. 8. Proposal for
House”, built from a combination of brick and stone
Colonnade, map by Anton Arche from 1846; Fig. 15.
a children’s playground in Oslavany; Fig. 9. Proposal for
masonry. The Chinese Pavilion, built sometime in
Maximillian Colonnade, ground plan with evaluation of
the modification of a children’s playground and urinals in
the 1880s on an island in the Wild Pond, illustrates
architectural development: a – construction and surfaces from
Hlinsko; Fig. 10. Detail of a section of a proposal for
the popularity of oriental motifs in late 19th-century
the time the building was constructed (1846), b – construction
a children’s play area and rest area in the garden of the builder
garden architecture. These, along with Moorish
from the second half of the 19th century, c – construction from
F. Komárek in Svobodné Dvory; Fig. 11. Detail of seating and
elements, also appeared in the details of other
the second half of the 20th century; Fig. 16. Bridge at
children’s playground from a proposal for the garden of
structures in the garden – the Fisherman’s Pavilion,
the American House, condition after renovation in 2014;
the VaÀous family in PlzeÀ; Fig. 12. Detail of a gingerbread
the Peacock Court, and the guard houses.
Fig. 17. Drawing of the facade of the Chinese Pavilion.
house near a rest area from the proposal of a garden for factory
Illustrations: Fig. 1. Portrait of Josef Vanûk by J. Pûtivok˘
owner V. Kfienek in Fren‰tát pod Radho‰tûm; Fig. 13. Detail
Illustrations: Fig. 1. Researched structures marked into
from a proposal for the New Park Na Faráfiství in Turnov
a map of the Chateau Garden from 1850; the map was made
showing a playground and its surroundings; Fig. 14. Detail
by B. Lipavsk˘ – J. Homme. 1 – gate from Blahoslavova Street, 2 – house of the first horticultural assistant, 3 – gardener’s
Children’s playgrounds, children’s play areas,
of the modification of the square in Bedfiichovice depicting
house, 4 – artificial ruins, 5 – Peacock Court, 6 – Temple
and spaces for children in the first half of
the modification of the playground in front of house No. 12.
of Friendship, 7 – Fisherman’s Pavilion, 8 – Maximillian
the 20th century in the projects of landscape
Project No. 3558 from 1943; Fig. 15. Proposal for gardens
Colonnade, 9 – bridge at the American House , 10 – site of
architect Josef Vanûk
with children’s playgrounds at the apartment building in
Mandarin House (the island in Wild Pond with the Chinese
Tfiinec. Project No. 1404 from 1929; Fig. 16. Proposal for
Pavilion is not drawn); Fig. 2. House of the first horticultural
Keywords: playgrounds, spaces for children, garden
nursery school and kindergarten in T˘ni‰tû nad Orlicí. Project
assistant with KromûfiíÏ Chateau in the background, view from
architecture, Josef Vanûk, Czechoslovak Republic
No. 3222 from 1940; Fig. 17. Period photograph of children in front of the garden of a kindergarten in T˘ni‰tû nad Orlicí;
the northwest; Fig. 3. House of the first horticultural assistant. A – Ground plan of the house on a map of the landscaping
The landscape architect Josef Vanûk is one of
Fig. 18. Detail from a proposal for the modification of the spa
gardens of the Chateau Garden from 1834–1835 by Anton
the most significant personalities in his field in
park in Korytnice in Slovakia showing a sand playground in
Arche, B – ground floor of the building with constructional /
the Czech Republic during the first half of the 20th
the center of the spa area. Project No. 664 from 1925; Fig. 19.
historical analysis. Brown – early Baroque masonry from
century. The aim of this article is to make a selection
Detail from a proposal for the modification of the premises
the second half of the 17th century, violet – late Baroque
of his work that addresses the projects of playgrounds,
of the Hotel Panorama in Rychnov nad KnûÏnou showing
masonry probably from the second half of the 18th century,
children’s play areas, and spaces for children and
a playground near the restaurant terrace. Project No. 3184
yellow – masonry from Classicist reconstructions from the first
youth, especially designed in the interwar era of
from 1940; Fig. 20. Proposal for landscaping around
half of the 19th century and masonry from the adaptation
Czechoslovakia (1918–1938). This is unpublished
the children’s sanatorium “âeské srdce” in Morávka. Project
Zprávy památkové péãe / roãník 79 / 2019 / ãíslo 1 / RESUMÉ | SUMMARY