No. 3247 from 1941; Fig. 21. Proposal for the garden
of the chateau in Prague-LibeÀ, 1910; Fig. 8. Franti‰ek
in ˚agaƒ around 1860; Fig. 3. “Korbartigen Beete” type flower
of the priest J. Smetánka with a children’s playground in
Thomayer’s notebook from 1883–1889.
beds at the Lontzen castle in Germany. Lithography from
Chrudim. Project No 1912 from 1933; Fig. 22. Proposal for
the second half of the 19th century; Fig. 4. Period depictions
a recreation camp of boys and girls in the ·pitálsk˘ forest
of garden arrangements at the New Castle in Muskau, before 1834; Fig. 5. Edging with blue glaze from the castle
“U sv. Anna” near Skuteã. Project No. 3788 from 1945; Fig. 23. Children playing in the “Steingarten” castle park in
Garden edgings – an interesting detail
in Branitz; Fig. 6. Coral-shaped edgings on the castle grounds
SlatiÀany, 1940s.
of 19th century garden arrangements
in Muskau; Fig. 7. Beds with edgings in the pleasure ground
of Babelsberg Castle; Fig. 8. Detail of the use of edgings
Keywords: garden edgings, Lomnice u Ti‰nova,
in combination with a brick curb in the pleasure ground
pleasure ground, garden culture
of Babelsberg Castle; Fig. 9. Fragments of garden edgings found at the chateau in Milotice; Fig. 10. Set of edgings from
Caring for Prague’s city parks at the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries
Arranging edgings around flower beds using
Lomnice near Ti‰nov; Fig. 11. Molds for the production
inorganic materials, or using actual plants for edgings,
of edgings from Lomnice near Ti‰nov; Fig. 12. Use of edgings
Keywords: Prague, greenery care, city parks, Karel
has been a common element in gardening throughout
in the garden of Landfras Villa in JindfiichÛv Hradec; Fig. 13.
Jan Skalák, Frantisek Thomayer
the entire period of its development. Nonetheless,
Set of edgings from Landfras Villa in JindfiichÛv Hradec;
garden edgings are merely a small detail in
Fig. 14. Use of large metal edgings in the Castle Garden
City gardeners held an irreplaceable position
the development of garden art and may be considered
in KromûfiíÏ, second half of the 19th century; Fig. 15. Design
in the history of Prague and in the care of its public
a symbol of one specific historical stage. Edgings are
for the production of metal edgings for the Castle Garden from
greenery. Prague’s original gardens were not originally
traditionally and primarily associated with the work
1864; Fig. 16. Metal edgings from the Castle Garden in
large, but this changed after 1875. This is the year
of the prominent 19th-century Prince Hermann von
KromûfiíÏ; Fig. 17. The southern terrace of Vranov nad Dyjí
that Ferdinand Mal˘ was named as director, but he
Pückler-Muskau, but the use of edgings has a longer
Castle with blooming flower beds. Josef Doré, oil on canvas,
spent only four years in Prague, from 1874 to 1878.
tradition. The impulse for a deeper study of
2nd third of the 19th century; Fig. 18. Use of edgings in
No professional assumed the position after him,
the phenomenon of garden edgings in the Czech
the shape of stirrups in front of the winter garden of the chateau
so there was no further development. It was finally
Republic was the discovery of a larger number
in Hluboká nad Vltavou. Karel Zenker, watercolor, second half
decided that Prague needed a gardener who would
of ceramic edging fragments in the former castle
of the 19th century; Fig. 19. Metal edging from Hluboká nad
truly lead the gardens of Prague and develop them
gardens in Lomnice near Ti‰nov (South Moravian
further. In 1884, the temperamental Franti‰ek
Region) in 2013. Research focused on the issue
Thomayer assumed the position of city gardener.
of edgings themselves as well as on specific types
During his tenure, Prague’s parks gained a worldwide
of flower beds and what types of edgings were used
reputation. His students, who continued to lead
for them, and especially the types of gardening
the gardens of Prague after him, included Karel Jan
styles where such flower beds were cultivated.
Skalák and Leopold BaÈek. This article is more
The research resulted in the discovery of edgings
focused on Karel Jan Skalák, a more or less unknown
in nine locations in the Czech Republic, showing that
personality who worked in Prague’s orchards until
their use was quite common in the Czech Republic
1916. K. J. Skalák was limited by the fact that he had
in the second half of the 19th century. In particular,
assumed his position after the quite exceptional
these are the castle gardens in Hluboká nad Vltavou,
Franti‰ek Thomayer and was often compared with him.
Lomnice, Lednice, Lysice, Milotice, the KromûfiíÏ
He and his colleagues took care of all the orchards,
Flower and Castle Gardens, the grounds of
gardens, and tree-lined alleys that were owned or
the Vranov nad Dyjí Castle, and Landfras Villa in
administered by the Prague municipality. At the same
JindfiichÛv Hradec. Only in the garden of the Landfras
time, he ensured the operation of the stock garden
Villa are these edgings in continuous use today.
(Rajská zahrada) and of the botanical garden, which
Through donations and loans, a collection of
served the municipal and burgher schools and whose
31 different sets of edgings from the Czech Republic
composition was designed in 1899. He also super-
and 7 items from abroad (Slovakia, Germany, Great
vised the municipal cemeteries, the gardens at
Britain) has resulted, creating an exhibition which
the LibeÀ chateau, and the regular maintenance
is currently presented to the public in the restored
of the orchards at the gasworks in Hole‰ovice.
orangery in the former castle gardens in Lomnice
Illustrations: Fig. 1. Realization of Karlovo námûstí based
near Ti‰nov. This set can be compared to a set
to Thomayer’s design after 1884; Fig. 2. Portrait of Karel Jan
of 20 different clay edgings found during
Skalák (1863–1916); Fig. 3. Prague city orchards, Rajská
archaeological research and restoration in the Klein-
zahrada garden in ÎiÏkov (1884–1888); Fig. 4. Karel Jan
-Glienicke site in Potsdam, Germany, or to
Skalák, Design for establishing the Central Botanical School
the exhibition located at Branitz Castle, where
Garden for the Royal Capital City of Prague, 1899;
a complete collection of edgings made for Prince
Fig. 5. View onto one of the greenhouses in the stock garden
Pücler is presented.
(rajská zahrada), beginning of the 20th century;
Illustrations: Fig. 1. E. Hackert, Landscaping with
Fig. 6. Advertisement for protective equipment and birdhouses;
a number of flower beds with edgings at the chateau in ˚agaƒ
Fig. 7. Karel Jan Skalák, extension of the orchard in front
around 1860; Fig. 2. E. Hackert, Winter garden at the chateau
Zprávy památkové péãe / roãník 79 / 2019 / ãíslo 1 / RESUMÉ | SUMMARY